Detailed Rules and Regs: 1.Hours of Use: Generally, Sargent Road Nature Park is open year round to the public from dawn until dusk. However, Mud Creek Conservancy may choose to close a preserve or a section of a preserve at its discretion. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: 2. Assumption of Risk, Waiver for Loss or Damage: All persons using the Mud Creek Conservancy's property do so at their own risk. The Conservancy assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to persons or property. All persons using the preserves expressly assume liability and the risk of loss and waive the Conservancy's liability and the liability of all employees, agents volunteers or board members and officers of the Conservancy for damage to their persons and property and that of others caused by them, and, to the extent permitted by law, agree to indemnify and hold the Conservancy harmless for all such liability, including court costs and attorney fees even if such loss or damage is the result of a dangerous or latent condition existing on the property. 3. Destruction or misuse of properties: No person shall remove, damage, burn, or alter signage, benches, gates or other objects or improvements found on the Conservancy's property. No person shall litter or dump or otherwise pollute or contaminate the lands and waters of the Conservancy. Anyone dumping yard or other waste on Conservancy properties will be responsible for its clean up and removal and the costs associated therewith and for the repair of any incidental or consequential damages caused thereby. No person shall smoke or use tobacco or drugs on Conservancy property. 5. Natural resources: No person shall kill, maim, capture, molest or treat cruelly any mammal, bird, amphibian or reptile. Scientific researchers and students may collect and monitor ecological data with written approval from the President of the Conservancy. Persons not under the supervision or permission of the Conservancy shall not cut, remove, uproot or destroy any tree, sapling, seedling, bush, shrub, plant or flower whether alive or dead. No person shall collect firewood on Conservancy property. No person shall be allowed to feed or harass wildlife. No person shall introduce or bring any plant or animal or their reproductive bodies (e.g. cocoons, eggs, chrysalis) onto Conservancy property without written permission of the President of the Conservancy. DOG RULES & REGULATIONS PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: All dog owners visiting the preserves must be registered members of the Conservancy Canine Club. All federal, state and municipal rules, laws and regulations apply. Failure to abide by these Rules and Regulations can lead to fines and penalties, including civil and criminal and to expulsion from Mud Creek Conservancy lands either temporary or permanently and/or membership termination. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE AND WAIVER AGREEMENT All persons using Conservancy property do so at their own risk. The Conservancy is not responsible for any illness or injury to dogs on Conservancy property, nor for any loss, damage or injury to persons or to other persons’ dogs caused by dogs on Conservancy property. All persons using Conservancy property with their dog(s) expressly assume the risk to themselves and their dog(s) and assume liability therefore and waive the Conservancy's liability and the liability of all employees, agents, volunteers, board members and officers of the Conservancy for any injury or damage to their dog(s) or to their person or property, or to other persons, or to the dog(s) or property of other persons caused by their dog(s) while on Conservancy property, and, to the extent permitted by law, agree to indemnify and hold the Conservancy harmless for all such liability, including court costs and attorney fees even if such loss or damage is the result of a dangerous or latent condition existing on the property. To report a non-emergency, non-adherence to rules or aggressive behavior you observe in another dog or owner, call 317-964-3044. If emergency police assistance is needed, call 911. Thank you for your cooperation. 7. Fires No person shall build a fire anywhere, for any purpose unless under the direct supervision of an Conservancy employee or with written permission from the President of the Conservancy . 8. Camping No overnight camping shall be allowed on the Conservancy's properties unless the Conservancy President has granted special permission in writing. 9. Hobbies No person shall operate any model propelled by machinery on the lands or waters of the Conservancy without written permission from the President of the Conservancy . No person shall operate a metal detector on the Conservancy's properties without written permission of the President of the Conservancy. No person, upon entering Conservancy property, shall have in their possession any firearm, bow, paintball gun, pellet gun, slingshot or projectile. 10. Hunting/Trapping No hunting shall be allowed on Conservancy properties. At times the Conservancy may grant special permission for hunting/trapping to assist in the management of its properties. All federal and state rules and regulations apply. No off trail field training of dogs is permitted on the lands or waters of the Conservancy. 11. Swimming No person shall be allowed to swim, bathe, or wade in the Conservancy's water. 12. Trails No bicycles, snowmobiles, motorized vehicles or equestrian traffic is permitted on the Conservancy's property without written permission from the President. No geocaching is permitted on the Conservancy's property without written permission from the President. Use of the property should be limited to the trails. No off trail activity is permitted unless under the supervision of a board member of the Conservancy . 13. Pyrotechnics No person shall have in their possession when entering association property: fireworks, smoke bombs, rockets, black powder guns or other pyrotechnics without written permission from the President of the Conservancy. 14. Harassment and Disorderly Conduct No person shall engage in any violent, abusive, loud, boisterous, vulgar or other such disorderly conduct or language which disturbs, annoys or infringes upon the rights of other persons using the Conservancy's properties or living proximate to the Conservancy's properties. No person should interfere with, disrupt, delay or hinder in any manner a board member or representative of of the Conservancy. 15. Commercials, Films, Video and Drone No drone footage is allowed in Conservancy preserves and is strictly prohibited without express prior consent by the Conservancy. No person or organization shall produce any film or video for advertisement, cultural, documentary, educational or entertainment purposes without prior written approval from the Conservancy. No photographs shall be taken for advertising, commercial or publicity purposes without prior approval from the Conservancy. 16. Advertising No person shall display any signs or banners, or distribute literature without written permission from the Conservancy. 17. Reservations Individuals or groups wishing to use the Conservancy's property for educational field trips or related programs must receive prior approval from the Conservancy President. No dumping of yard waste, branches or other gardening refuse is allowed at any time on the Conservancy's property. No construction of fencing or barriers by adjacent homeowners is allowed on any of the Conservancy's property. 19. Enforcement and Penalties The Conservancy hopes all persons using Conservancy's property are respectful of the land, water, flora and fauna and will abide by its Rules and Regulations. By entering any of the Conservancy's preserves you are agreeing to be bound by and abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein. Failure to abide by these terms can lead to penalties, including civil and criminal and to expulsion from the preserves, either temporarily or permanently.