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Mud Creek Conservancy has achieved more effective conservation through strong partnerships with dedicated volunteers, local groups, and businesses. Partnerships have included trash clean ups, tree plantings, prairie restoration, monarch habitat enhancements, bird and bat box, rain garden and ephemeral pond construction and Earth Day outreach. We greatly appreciate our partners and look forward to expanding partnerships. If you or your organization is interested in collaborating on a project or conservation effort, please contact us!
A few of our partners include:
Purchase our Mud Creek Conservancy Song Bird Blend to help restore bird populations through supporting shade grown coffee. Also, $1.50 from every MCC bag sold comes right back to MCC and conservation in Indianapolis!
Nikki Wilson: Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Nikki Wilson has contributed pro-bono design and illustration work to help further MCC's mission including the creation and design of the MCC logo as well as designing our new "Wild About Indy" coloring book.
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